
Students and Insomnia: How CBD and Melatonin Can Help

Written by Nigel Simpkins

Insomnia with students is a common problem. Stress, irregular sleeping hours, caffeine, and countless energy drinks can all contribute to inadequate sleep. And this is a shame because getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to our wellbeing and performance. While over the years, many students have had to rely on sleeping pills to get adequate sleep, this is no longer the case. Luckily, CBD and melatonin have recently emerged as the go-to aids for better sleep. Best of all, they can be taken together to restore the body’s natural sleep pattern.


Both cannabidiol, or CBD, and tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, are derived from the cannabis sativa plant (marijuana). Unlike THC, however, CBD is non-psychoactive, which means that it will not make you high. This also means that CBD has all the benefits of marijuana without its side effects. The numerous CBD benefits include anxiety and pain relief, as well as better sleep, something that no doubt many students will appreciate. CBD has also been credited with reducing acne and alleviating depression, with some studies even suggesting that it may reduce the symptoms of cancer.

CBD works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for our well-being. Namely, it controls our digestive and nervous systems, as well as the circadian rhythm (the wake/sleep and light/dark cycle). Taking CBD can fine tune the endocannabinoid system to work at its optimum, reducing anxiety, improving our sleep cycle, and leaving us energized in the morning.


Produced by the pineal gland, melatonin regulates our circadian rhythm. In a nutshell, the hormone makes us feel tired when the sun goes down and  awake when it comes up. This is because melatonin levels are low throughout the day and start rising in the evening to prepare us for sleep. Unfortunately, this wake/sleep cycle can be easily disrupted, especially by late nights of studying and excessive caffeine. As such, taking melatonin 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime can help us achieve restful sleep.

Besides regulating the sleep pattern, melatonin has a host of other health benefits. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant, which has been credited with treating stomach ulcers and heartburn, and supporting eye health. It may also alleviate symptoms of tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, and increase growth hormone levels in men, which is naturally produced during sleep.